< الحياة الطلابية في 42 أبوظبي />

في 42 أبوظبي، سوف تدرس وتعمل مع مجموعة متنوعة من الزملاء المتحمسين والموهوبين من جميع أنحاء العالم، الذين يأتون من خلفيات متعددة ويحملون وجهات نظر مختلفة، حيث يتم تقدير التعاون والعمل الجماعي، مما يسمح للطلاب بالتعلم من بعضهم البعض في بيئة مجتمعية مترابط.

تقدم 42 أبوظبي فعاليات اجتماعية وأنشطة خارج المنهاج التعليمي لتعزيز الصداقات والتواصل خارج إطار الدراسة.

ويُعتبر التواجد في أوساط الهيئة الطلابية في 42 أبوظبي بشكل عام تجربة غنية وقيمة. تعرف على بعض الطلاب الذين يدرسون في 42 أبوظبي وتعرف على قصصهم. مرّر للأسفل!

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Hamda Alwahedi

The first girl in tech from her family

Mehrin Firdousi

Coding is a Puzzle, and she is a problem solver

Hussain Awadh

Up-skilling from Air Navigation to code

Hadi Kaddoura

A through and through entrepreneur

> ما يجب على طلابنا <قوله/>

AIhai AlHameli

My favourite thing about 42 Abu Dhabi is the availability of learning resources. Since I’ve joined 42 Abu Dhabi, my problem solving skills have improved because here, you learn to learn and everything is self-taught. Because the campus is open 24/7, I am able to maintain a good work-life balance.

Reem AlDahhan

With a campus open around the clock , I am able to practice my independence more and that type of flexibility is something I cherish a lot. 42 Abu Dhabi prepares us for the real world; it helps us think of real life problems and teaches us how to conquer it. Overall, I consider it to be my second home.

Hassan Sarhan

I love a challenge and here at 42 Abu Dhabi,I am constantly challenging myself. Peer to peer methodology is awesome because everyone has something to offer. I love working on graphics projects since they involve maths. The school being open 24/7 gives me great flexibility.

Anastasiia Nifantova

Collaborative work has to be my favourite part of 42 Abu Dhabi ; it’s impressive how people come together to create full-fledged projects. What makes it even more amazing is that everyone here comes from a different background which helps me think outside the box.

Huong Bui-Vu

What I love most about 42 Abu Dhabi is the collaborative work environment which is reflected in the peer to peer methodology. Everyone here is very friendly, I enjoy spending time on campus. The more you come to 42 Abu Dhabi, the more you learn, it’s inevitable!

Willem Smith

The peer to peer methodology brings out my true spirit and heroism. Before joining 42 Abu Dhabi, I never had the chance to study programming in-depth and that’s why it’s safe to say that my favourite project to date is the complex algorithms.

Mona Alhadramy

42 Abu Dhabi has amazing vibes and I love how people are supportive. The environment is very creative and diverse, and people share their own experience with everyone which makes me learn a lot.

Faraz Khan

42 Abu Dhabi gave me the opportunity to express my creativity and talent and share ideas with others. It set me on a path for building games with my peers, which is a milestone in my coding career.

Maman Sani Idi Wakasso

I've had the opportunity to face multiple forms of learning improving both my soft skills or hard skills. I'm lucky to have a well rounded educational experience here at 42 Abu Dhabi.

Bassam Naji

I'm glad to have the opportunity to be a part of this inspiring environment. At 42 Abu Dhabi, we push each other to be the better versions of ourselves to maximize our potential.