> AI in education - Empowering students or threatening their learning experience?

The UAE is investing in talent and education to advance AI technologies. This has led to a growing demand for AI skills in various industries and opportunities for the youth to drive digital transformation.
With the rise of technology, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom has become a hot topic. Some argue that AI has the potential to empower students by providing personalized learning experiences and freeing up teachers' time for more one-on-one interactions.

One example of how AI can empower students is through adaptive learning platforms. These platforms use AI algorithms to analyse students' performance, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and deliver personalized content and feedback. For instance, an AI-driven platform could dynamically adjust the difficulty level of questions in a test based on a student's progress, providing targeted practice to strengthen their understanding. This personalized approach allows students to learn at their own pace and focus on areas where they need more support.

At the same time, teachers can utilize the data generated by AI systems to gain insights into individual student progress and tailor their instruction accordingly, fostering more effective one-on-one interactions in the classroom.

In spite of the positive aspects, there are critics who point out that relying too heavily on AI may threaten the traditional learning experience and hinder critical thinking skills. One potential concern regarding the reliance on AI in education is the potential impact on critical thinking skills. Some argue that if students primarily interact with AI-driven systems that provide predetermined answers or solutions, they may become less inclined to engage in independent thinking and problem solving.

While AI has its benefits, it is important to strike a balance and use it as a tool rather than a replacement for human interaction in the classroom. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of educators to incorporate AI in careful ways that enhance student learning and promote critical thinking, rather than relying on it as a sole source of education.

At 42 Abu Dhabi, we are training students to not only use AI technologies but also create them, contributing to the Emirate’s digital advancement and promoting a sustainable future. We are committed to playing a pivotal role in nurturing the AI talent pool within Abu Dhabi, and fostering a generation of coders who will lead Abu Dhabi’s digital future. To do so, our students are leveraging AI technologies to develop innovative apps, platforms and robots, which can create a positive impact on various sectors, including the environment, healthcare, and hospitality. This hands-on, project-based approach is at the forefront of empowering our students to thrive and succeed in their future AI-driven career journeys.